MSc Genomic Medicine DipION  NgC FMCHC mBANT  regCNHC

A 15-year career in investment banking in London & Hong Kong - and the associated risk of burnout - brought about a sharp awareness of how physically & mentally crippling it is to live in sub-par health.

The effects of overworking, over-achieving or trying to be everything to everyone build up over time & the body responds in myriad detrimental ways to the homeostasis of our health & wellbeing.

With one body in this one life, prioritising our health is an imperative, not an option. Life gets in the way, but we can take steps to support the innate renewing & anti-ageing biological functions of the body.

Returning to my scientific roots, I have spent most of the past decade studying the emerging importance of genetic testing as a supporting role in wellness & preventative medicine; specifically, the interaction of genetics with lifestyle, environment & nutrition.

This is embedded in the principles of Functional Medicine - where the root cause of symptoms is investigated & addressed. An integrated approach offers so much more to establishing good health, rather than simply managing symptoms.

I am passionate about helping individuals take proactive action to optimise their genetic & biological predispositions and negate the damaging health effects of life as it is thrown at us.


I am a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist & member of the British Association for Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), the professional body for Nutritional Therapy Practitioners trained to meet rigorous national standards.

I am registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), the independent UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners, which maintains the Nutritional Therapy Register of Practitioners who are properly trained, qualified & insured.

My Masters in Genomic Medicine was developed in collaboration with University College London, Public Health England & Great Ormond Street Hospital. It provides healthcare professionals with a multi-disciplinary perspective on genomics & its application in medicine, delivering the knowledge & training required to provide, develop & advance specialist scientific services around genomic medicine within healthcare systems.

Professional dietary & nutritional advice tailored to the individual genotype – where complex interactions between diet, nutrition & lifestyle, as well as age, gender & current health status, are translated into protocols – is termed ‘Nutrigenetic Counselling’. I hold Nutrigenetic Counsellor (NgC) Register status with BANT which ensures appropriate standards of knowledge & ethical practice when using nutrigenomics data in the field of precision nutrition.

BANT members implement a networked approach to complex metabolic systems, incorporating the latest science from genetic, epigenetic, diet & nutrition research to inform individualised recommendations. BANT practitioners do not diagnose or treat disease, and recommendations are not a replacement for medical advice; practitioners regularly work alongside medical professionals to support clients’ wellbeing.

I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach from the FMCA, the only program designed in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) & the gold standard in health coaching education, allowing me to work with Functional Medicine practitioners in a Collaborative Care team. Health Coaching motivates clients to achieve their health goals by tapping into character strengths to build resiliency, manage mood & strengthen incentive, whilst celebrating success & encouraging progress.