Nutritional Therapy is relevant both for individuals looking to enhance their health & wellbeing and for those with chronic conditions wishing to work with a nutritional therapist in collaboration with other suitably qualified healthcare professionals.

Nutritional Therapists will never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice. Any client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms is referred to their medical professional. Nutritional Therapists communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client’s care to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided.


This is a useful way to see whether we will ‘fit’ with each other. We will discuss your health goals & concerns and how we could work together to attain a positive outcome.

I do recommend clients to alternative practitioners if they would be more suited to work with you.


  1. After payment, the DNA test kit is sent out to you straight away in the post for you to complete & return ASAP - this involves an internal mouth swab. Return postage is included, except for locations outside of the UK, from where you will need to arrange & pay for postage.

  2. You are emailed a comprehensive health questionnaire to complete detailing your current health concerns, symptoms, medical history, family history, lifestyle, levels of physical activity, use of medication & supplements, diet & health goals

  3. You are asked to complete an online 3-day food & lifestyle diary to provide me with an idea of your eating & movement habits.

  4. The results of any recent relevant functional testing would also be useful to review, to complete the picture of your current heath status.

The health questionnaire & diary provide key insights that allow me to research your individual health concerns, lifestyle & diet prior to our initial appointment.

Initial consultation

This takes place 3-4 weeks after booking to allow for the DNA testing to be completed & the results received from the laboratory.

  • The initial consultation is a 90-minute long comprehensive discussion about your health & medical history from pre-conception to now, where we ascertain your individual health concerns & goals to guide our progress.

  • Your nutrigenomics test will be interpreted & discussed - the results are key in helping inform the programme.

  • Additional functional testing (blood, urine, stool) may be recommended.

  • Following the consultation you will be emailed your nutrigenomics report and personalised nutrition & lifestyle recommendations summary.

Follow-up consultations or as part of 3-session maintenance packages

These are 45 minutes long & take place approximately 4 weeks apart to allow for testing to be processed and for recommended dietary & lifestyle changes and supplements to be implemented.

  • The first follow-up consultation will review any additional test results which will help to inform next steps & nutraceutical recommendations. We will monitor your progress & build on the plan at a pace that suits you.

  • The second follow-up consultation further reviews progress & adds to the programme.

  • Additional individual consultations can be added on to the programme as required at any time.

The DNA reports include:

  • Personalised genotype results

  • Gene function descriptions

  • An indication of impact on health by identified genetic variants

  • Nutrient & lifestyle impacts on identified genetic variants

  • Appropriate nutritional & lifestyle recommendations


Yes, the option exists to meet with me once for a 90-minute consultation, however the benefits of Nutrigenomics are often not realised with just one appointment. Some changes need to be implemented gradually over time, others are straightforward.

Three consultations over 3 months is an ideal starting point to put you on the path of optimising your genetic expression to achieve your health goals, so we do always recommend a package, but understand that many of you have busy schedules.


I am based in Winchester in the United Kingdom.

I work on-line with clients via zoom across the UK & globally.

Private, at-home consultations in London can be arranged on request for an additional fee.


Cancellations are required more than 48 hours before an appointment, otherwise I have limited time to reschedule other client activities.

Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged in full or deducted from a package.